Dog Abandoned And Left Outside A Shelter In A Small Kennel Gets A Second Chance At Life

One thing that people don’t assume when they adopt a dog is just how important it is to find the right one because there is nothing more important than getting along with your furry friend.

Sometimes, some would take in an animal only to surrender it to a shelter. In most cases, it’s not the pup’s fault, but it still happens often.

In this story, we will talk about a shy shelter dog who was abandoned by his previous owner before he even got a chance.

Bentley Is A Very Shy Dog

When Bentley was just a baby, he was abandoned and left outside of a shelter in Florida in a small kennel with his five siblings.

The staff there obviously saw this and took them in right away, but they needed a home desperately.

Most of them found one pretty quickly; however, Bentley was the last one remaining and nobody was quite sure when he would get adopted.

That’s when his new family swooped in and decided to take him in. The Gerards were pretty excited when they met Bentley, but he was really shy and reserved at first.

He met his new mom first, and eased up a little bit after he approached his dad. Bentley was not showing it right away, but he was happy to be with them.

Gerard told GeoBeats Animals: Mom adopted him, he’s got a special place in his heart for her.

Bentley’s Caring Personality

When he was finally in his new home in Florida, he was introduced to his new friend, Piper. Even though they got along really well, he would sometimes get jealous when Piper got the attention.

However, Piper was blind and deaf, and he suffered from dementia, so he needed to be taken care of more often, and Bentley realized this after a while.

He became a lot more attentive to Piper and his new parents, especially his mom. Whenever something happened to her, he would get seriously depressed.

On one occasion, she got sick and Bentley was just so sad that he threw up and wanted to be with her.

Gerard said: His love for her is like something I’ve never seen before. He knew she was sick and it made him sick.

The family is especially proud of his intelligence and they were able to witness it on several occasions.

He knew at least 25 to 30 commands, and he also learned how to open the door by himself. 

However, when it came to socializing with other dogs, he was still very shy, and mostly avoided them unless it was Piper.

They are just so happy to have him, and Bentley is lucky because he found the right family who loves and cares for him so much.

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