Dog Lived In A Shelter In Virginia But Everything Changed When Her Story Went Viral

Although numerous associations and rescue organizations point to the problem of overcrowding in shelters every day, more and more dogs have to seek refuge within the four walls of the kennel.
To many people, these are just sheer numbers, but there are countless sad stories behind those numbers.
One of those that broke many hearts is the fate of a dog named Sky, who became the longest-lived resident of a shelter in Stafford, Virginia, after being there for months.
However, after just one Facebook post, a miracle happened that changed this dog’s life forever.
Depressing Situation

When the three-year-old dog, Sky, came to the Stafford County Animal Shelter in November 2022, everyone thought that this wonderful creature would quickly find her forever home.
Unfortunately, days, weeks, and months passed, but the shelter staff did not receive any inquiries about Sky. Every day, Sky had to watch her many canine fellows happily leave the shelter for their new homes while she had to stay in the four walls of her kennel.
“Sky hasn’t received ONE inquiry since arriving to us November last year. No one has sent an email. No one has called about her. No one asks to visit with her. We have posted her multiple times…still nothing.” the shelter wrote in their Facebook post on February 27, 2023.

Although, at first, it is incomprehensible how a pup like Sky could be overlooked for so long, there was one heartbreaking reason.
“She wasn’t a perfect dog in that she can’t be around other dogs so she is easily overlooked,” Joe Bice, the captain of the Stafford County Animal Shelter told WSET.
However, in the post from February 27, they also wrote that “Sky is a wonderful companion and that she does great with all people and loves going for walks with their volunteers.”
That very day was a turning point for Sky. Maybe, just these words were the magic ones that turned things over for her.
Miracle Post

Although people from the shelter had been posting about Sky up until that day, the post published on Monday was special for some reason. In a very short time, it attracted a lot of attention, and many people started asking about potential adoption.
“The phone has been ringing off the hook all morning, a ton of messages and so many we can’t even get back to them,” Bice told WSET about the post.
As expected, not much time passed before an update appeared on that same post with the title: “UPDATE : SKY HAS BEEN ADOPTED !!!”
The longest resident of the Stafford County Animal Shelter, located in Stafford, Virginia, was adopted by Donna Crowder, and Sky was a special gift for her young autistic son, Joseph.

“We have been in the market for a dog, and when they said she was good with kids, I said, ‘OK, I will make the drive,” Crowder told WSET.
Of course, a new Facebook post from the shelter soon followed, in which they could not hide their excitement for such a turn of events in just one day.
“It happened!! It finally happened!!! Sky was adopted !!!” they wrote. “She needed a home without any other animals in it and a fenced in back yard for her safety. Thank you so much for making the drive to us to take this girl home ❤️🥰”
Dreams really do come true, and sometimes, all it takes is one good post that will melt many hearts. Sky’s story is a living testimony to that.
“Good luck Sky!!!” they wrote in the end.