Extremely Matted And Neglected Dog Offers Rescuers His Tiny Paw, Begging For Help

While strolling near St. Rose of Lima Church in Brooklyn’s Kensington area, New York, a kind man came across a truly heart-wrenching sight.

There, he found a sad, extremely neglected little dog who had been tossed over the church’s fenced area, which was about six feet tall, spiked, and securely locked.

Completely shocked by the state of the dog, a Good Samaritan frantically posted for help on social media. Fortunately, NYC Second Chance Rescue was able to swiftly respond and rush to the location almost immediately.

Saint’s Rescue Story

Cute white dog with long fur
Source: We Love Animals

When the rescuers arrived at the scene, they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. The poor little dog was in such horrible condition… so overgrown and matted. 

Since the church was surrounded by this six-foot, spiked fence, it was obvious that somebody had dumped him there on purpose. 

“Upon arrival, an extremely matted, dirty, little boy lay on the steps of the church. We were able to make it over the fence, treats in tow, to secure him,” NYC Second Chance Rescue wrote in their Facebook post.

One of the rescuers, Jennifer, thankfully had a gymnastics background and was able to somehow get over the fence.

She approached the little dog cautiously because she expected him to be scared and skittish, but to her surprise, he turned out to be the complete opposite.

He was friendly and unafraid, offering his rescuer his tiny paw, almost as if he was asking for help.

“I put my hand out, for him to smell my hand and to see what his reaction was going to be, and he lifted his paw, and put his paw in my hand. It was almost like he was asking to be helped,” Jennifer told We Love Animals.

guy petting white dirty dog
Source: We Love Animals

After petting him for a brief moment, she was able to scoop him up quite easily, scale over the fence, secure the dog in the vehicle, and take him to the hospital.

His friendliness was a pure sign that, at some point, he was owned by someone, but how anyone could let the dog get in that condition was beyond belief.

Saint’s Incredible Transformation

“His condition is appalling, and heartbreaking. His fur was so matted, it formed a solid hard shell, around most parts of his little body. The smell coming off of him would make most people gag,” the rescue wrote.

Despite his horrible condition, little Saint, as he was promptly named, was super friendly with his rescuers.

He did not try to run, nor did he ever growl or snap. Saint simply stayed at the same spot where he was dumped, which is even more heartbreaking. 

“This boy is no more than 2 years old. The mats that encased his body were disgustingly filthy. This took a long period of time to get this bad. To think someone watched him suffer in this condition makes us sick to our stomachs,” the rescue said.

At the vet’s office, Saint was fully shaved down, and he received the necessary medical care. With all the matted fur gone, he was almost two pounds lighter and feeling much better.

His transformation was incredible. “I couldn’t believe it was the same dog after they shaved him… how beautiful he was,” Jennifer said.

Saint’s New Beginning

Shortly after the rescue, one woman saw Saint’s story on social media and immediately knew she had to adopt him.

It turned out that Saint’s new mom, Melanie, went to school for eight years at that same exact church where he was abandoned, and she knew it was meant to be. 

“She was so great and wanted to spoil him and, you know, give him the best home possible, so it was a really amazing ending, or beginning for him,” Jennifer said.

Saint is thriving in his forever home, and although he loves his whole family, he formed a special bond with four-year-old Stella, and they are the best of friends.

Saint now loves to snuggle, fetch, run around the backyard, and simply enjoy being a happy and healthy dog.

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