Nurse Found A Taped-Up Box In Front Of Vet Clinic, Then She Realized Somebody Was Inside

When a nurse from Noah’s Crossing Vet Clinic was making her way to her workplace, she thought that it was going to be just a regular day.
However, when she arrived, she noticed something in front of the clinic.
When she went to take a closer look, she noticed that it was a cardboard box covered with yellow tape and a very interesting note on it.
As soon as she read it, she knew she had to get it inside as soon as possible.
Adorable Surprise
The note read: “found on side of the road.”
After reading this, the nurse immediately knew that there were animals inside, and since she couldn’t hear any noises coming from the box, she started fearing the worst.
When she got the box inside, she anxiously opened it, and as soon as she was able to take a peek, a stone fell from her heart.
Two kitten sisters were tiredly staring at her, hot and exhausted but happy to be saved.
“[They were] stressed, but happy to see someone,” a representative from Noah’s Crossing told The Dodo.
When the other staff members heard that these two kittens were dumped on the side of the road on such a hot day, their hearts broke.
They were especially saddened by the fact that, even though they constantly encourage anyone who needs to rehome an animal to contact them so that they can offer them shelter, they didn’t receive any calls for these sweet girls.
“[I]t’s sad that people cannot take appropriate steps,” the representative said.
Nevertheless, these adorable sisters were now safe and sound, receiving all the love they possibly needed.
And, after receiving a thorough checkup as well as being spayed, they were ready to find a forever home.
“They [had] very bright, outgoing, loving personalities. [They] certainly deserved to find a home that would love them,” the representative said.
New Life
Of course, it didn’t take them long to find a family who was willing to take in both of them, as they didn’t want to see them say goodbye to each other.
The two sisters are finally able to relax in their new home, surrounded by people who absolutely adore them.
Thankfully, the hooman who found them did the right thing by bringing them to the clinic.
So, please, let this story be a reminder for you to do the same.
If you ever come across an animal that needs help, please contact your local animal shelter and give them a second chance at life – they deserve it!