Rescuers Spent Hours Waiting For A Pup Abandoned At A Truck Stop Hoping He Would Return

When Hope For Paws, a 501 non-profit animal rescue group based in Los Angeles, California, received a call regarding a pup abandoned at a truck stop, they immediately dropped everything they were doing and headed to the location.
When they arrived, they weren’t able to find the dog anywhere.
In order to make things easier for both them and the pup, they decided to set up a trap and wait for the dog to appear.
After waiting for hours, they noticed someone approaching their trap.
Rescue Mission

It was the pup they came to rescue!
He was walking around the place, smelling the yummy food they placed as bait, and since he was probably really hungry, he ate it.
As the trap door closed, the doggo got really startled. Luckily, a rescuer named Katie McKittrick was observing the situation very closely and was able to calm the pup by talking to him in a calm and soothing voice.

The pup, now named Bobbi, was very anxious. He wasn’t really sure what was going on or what would happen to him. Luckily, Katie took the time to reassure him that his life would only get better from this point on.
Katie took Bobbi to the Los Angeles rescue where he received a very warm welcome with a lot of pets and cuddles.
At first, he kept looking at the wall, still unsure of what was happening to him. Luckily, it didn’t take him too long to realize that there was nothing to worry about.

Bobbi received a very nice bath so that he could truly show off how handsome he was.
As soon as the L.A. Animal Rescue heard about him, they offered to take him in as a foster and remind him of just how beautiful life can be.

He is now living the best life ever with his foster family as he is spending his days running around and having fun.
He no longer has to worry about fending for himself as he has incredible hoomans around him that provide him with everything he needs.

If you are interested in adopting this sweet boy, please contact L.A. Animal Rescue for more information.
Importance Of Rescuers
All around the world, there are thousands of rescuers who dedicate their time to animals in need.
Whether it is getting them out of sticky situations or just giving them a second chance, these hoomans are providing these animals with the best thing ever – love and respect!
And, you can do this too – just head down to your local shelter, offer a helping hand, and witness just how incredible of a feeling it is when you change an animal’s life!