Woman Was Shocked When She Saw A Fluffy Head Peeking From The Bag On The Container

Animals, just like people, have feelings, and sometimes they feel even stronger.
That is why it is always a tragedy when a man leaves his little friend behind, knowing that his human means everything in the world to him.
Such a tragedy was witnessed by a woman who, passing by a container in the Bronx, New York, saw a small head sticking out of a bag hanging on the container.
Heartlessly Left Like Trash

When this passer-by approached the container to see exactly what it was, she saw a small ferret whose head was sticking out of the bag.
This scene shocked her so much that she had to react immediately in order to help this poor creature. So, she emailed Small n Furry Rescue for help.
“I saw the email and my heart dropped,” a representative from Small n Furry Rescue said in an interview for The Dodo.
When she arrived on the scene, the rescuer immediately began working on transporting the poor animal to safety.
“I am working on getting the ferret transported to the rescue. Once safe with me I will have him evaluated by a veterinarian. As long as he does not need to be held as evidence (the finder will be reporting the abandonment to NYC animal control) the ferret will be looking for a new home once cleared by a vet,” she stated on her official Facebook profile.

She had to do it this way because it is not legal to own a ferret in New York City. This big-hearted rescuer knew what she was doing.
She Was Finally In Safe Hands

Trash Panda, as she named this female ferret, was finally safe and waiting for the examination by the vet.
“Despite being found thrown away like trash, this little ferret seems to be in great spirits. She appears to be quite young and has no obvious injuries,” she wrote on Facebook.
In another update, she stated that they believe that this ferret is around 6 to 8 months old, and that she is a Marshall’s ferret. That definitely explains why she was so sweet and friendly.
The vet’s report soon arrived, and although there were no major medical problems, Trash Panda’s health was far from perfect.
“Her heart rate was over 300 beats per minute, very fast for a ferret. Our vet did a brief cardiac exam and has come to the conclusion that she may be in some sort of shock. Considering we don’t know how long she was in the bag and possibly without food or water, this could all be from lack of nutrition and dehydration, but we are watching her closely,” she wrote in an update.
Also, her initial blood work indicated anemia and low platelets, meaning that she would have to be on certain medications for some time.
Despite all the hardships, this little ferret was in high spirits… so much so that one nurse from the clinic fell in love with her and was considering adopting the animal once she was feeling better.

Over the next few days, her progress was evident in every way. She was playful and full of energy, and her health findings were getting better and better.
And, even before they thought, this cutie would be ready for adoption.
Waiting For The Happy Ending

On November 23, besides wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving, Trash Panda’s rescuer also posted some other happy news on her official Facebook profile.
“Trash Panda, the baby ferret that was found tied to a dumpster in the Bronx, is doing fantastic! She is continuing to gain weight, her symptoms are improving and her true playful personality is starting to show!” she wrote.
But, the most important news was that this little ferret has an amazing forever home with two other ferrets waiting for her when she is fully recovered. She will patiently wait for her happiest ending.
And, we can’t even imagine how excited she is, knowing how big of social butterflies ferrets really are.
That’s why we want her to meet that moment as soon as possible and enjoy her new ferret family, as well as get a more responsible owner who will treat her as she deserves.
This short story is, of course, a message to all other owners as well as hope that their awareness of responsibility for these little animals will rise to a higher level.